Hydroponic Systems New Developing Technologies
With a mission to make our community healthier, we at Ponic Greens are striving to Build Hydroponic and Aquaponic Industries in india. A major cultivator and service provider of organic and highly nutritious value foods, Ponic Green accelerates the various levels of business between its own community farm, Urban Growers and commercial growers, supplying genuine products to its customers.

Serving Since 2012
Established in 2012, Ponics Greens collaborated with its stakeholders For increasing awareness of food quality and safety. By developing state of the art systems to encourages the urban and rural society to adapted soilless methods for crop cultivation and to grow food for self consumption.
Our Consultations and State of the Art System are know to be the Best
To ensure sustainable and environmentally sound production we are taking preventive measures and growing all our crops under greenhouses using technologies like Aquaponices and hydroponics. The in-house members of the organisation include botanists, consultants and designers who specialises in the field of plants, soilless technologies and product development. This provides safer, healthier and tastier food for our community and a guarantee on all our products.